We had a fun little craft day at my house the other day.
Supplies used:
Old t-shirts and fabric scraps
Cheap Wal-Mart headbands
Glue gun and glue
Needle and thread
40% OFF silk flowers
and pretty much anything else we had laying around the house!
There were four of us there...
my sister in laws
Rochelle and
Mindy and my good friend and soon to be sister in law (kidding!!!)
It was a blast
and even with 8
small children running under foot
we were able to come up with some super fun headbands.
Introducing my model and crafting confident...

How cute is she?!!?
And ladies, if you have any brothers/sons/cousins going to BYU-I...
She'll be there in APRIL!!!
Shhhhhhhhh......a little heads up...
Don't ask her to cut in a straight line.
she can'tBut slap a hot glue gun in her hand and
WATCH OUT!Below are a few of the headbands we made.
I like some more than others but I think they are all cute.

except this one...

That one is NOT cute. But we made it as a joke.
We actually made two. One for her, one for me.
We're going to wear them for the annual Relief Society vs. Young Women basketball game next week. We've got to have
something to distract those young women from kicking our butts. You think it might work? :)