I love stretching. It's the perfect way to finish off a great run. I''ll even go as far as to say that if I stretch after a run I never get sore.
So, I stretch.
Our usual running route is on a straight stretch of road that easily allows us to see and hear any vehicles that are coming so for safety purposes we use it often. Because we are just on a side road there really isn't a lot of room for stretching so we plop ourselves right down in the middle of the road and do our stretching, moving whenever there are any vehicles coming. We have been doing this for weeks now and the system works well.
Well, it worked well until this morning that is!
Usually Becky and I hang out and visit for a while after the run... you know, to put off the craziness that our lives entail, at least for a few more minutes! This morning we were busy visiting and a police car pulled up next to us and rolled down his window to talk to us.
Now, you have to understand that we run kinda out in the country, not a lot of traffic, pretty quiet road and certainly never any police men!
So he pulls up beside and says, "Have you guys seen anyone laying on the road around here?"
We were confused and said we hadn't. After all, we'd been finished with our run and back to our vehicles for probably a half hour by that time. We did our stretches and then visited and hadn't seen anyone except a few cars.
The policeman radioed back to dispatch and asked for more information. Apparently someone had been driving by and had seen two vehicles, a gray truck (mine) and a blue SUV (Becky's) and saw someone laying in the middle of the road, not moving. Fearing something was wrong they called the police.
It just took us a few seconds to realize that they must have seen one of us laying there stretching and called the police!
My first thought was, "Well that's nice that someone is watching out for us!" and it was immediately followed by, "Wait, if there was someone laying in the middle of the road, not moving... why didn't they stop to help?!?!"
I guess they must have been in a pretty big hurry! :)
The policeman took our names, birthdates, addresses and phone numbers... "for the record" and then was on his way. We apologized a few times for him having to come out there and he was a great sport, joking with us and all.
I found the whole situation amusing.
I guess if someone driving by saw only one of us and we were laying on the ground stretching it could have looked like an injured body. We were probably doing this stretch -
I can see the confusion!